
Bolas PNG

Bolas PNG


" Wind it up and throw!

Spawn Command

cheat gfi Bola 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponBola.PrimalItem_WeaponBola'" 1 0 0

The Bola is a primitive weapon used to immobilize small or medium sized creatures. It can be thrown and when it hits a target, it wraps around their feet or body and entangles them.

The Bola roots humans in place for 25 seconds and wild dinos for 30 seconds. You have to wait another 10 seconds before you can apply a new bola to your target. The player or dino rooted will be incapable of moving, but can still fire guns, shoot arrows or attack. The player can also still jump, but will not be able to move. Players can struggle out of a bola by switching to just their fists and pressing the fire button which by default is the left mouse button, this reduces the remaining duration of the bola by one second per each attempt.

Dinos cannot be mounted while affected by the bola. It also cannot be recovered once thrown, although the affected dino can be manually freed of the bola before the effect wears off. Wild dinos aggro when hit by the bola.

You can dismount players by bolaing the dino the player is riding.

Creatures Affected [ ]

Creatures Not Affected [ ]

Notes [ ]

Changelog [ ]

Patch Changes
240.0 Bola is added to the game.
324.18 Reverted Bola changes that were implemented w/ previous exploit-fix.
v · d · e Weapons
For a side-by-side comparison of all weapons, see the Weapons page! For a comparison of reload and draw times, see Weapon Mechanics!

Electric Prod  •  Lance  •  Pike  •  Shield (Wooden, Metal, Riot, Tek)  •  Spear (Flaming)  •  Sword (Tek)  •  Tek Claws  •  Club


Bola  •  Bow (Compound, Tek)  •  Crossbow  •  Flare Gun  •  Slingshot  •  Boomerang


Assault Rifle  •  Charge Lantern  •  Fabricated Sniper Rifle  •  Flamethrower  •  Harpoon Launcher  •  Longneck Rifle  •  Minigun  •  Pistol (Fabricated)  •  Shotgun (Pump-Action)  •  Tek Phase Pistol  •  Tek Railgun  •  Tek Rifle  •  Tek Shoulder Cannon


Flashlight  •  Holo-Scope  •  Laser  •  Scope  •  Silencer


Bullet (Simple, Advanced)  •  Shotgun Ammo (Simple)  •  Rifle Ammo (Simple, Advanced)  •  Sniper Bullet (Advanced)


Arrow (Stone, Tranq, Metal, Flame)  •  Boulder  •  Cannon Ball  •  Chain Bola  •  Grappling Hook  •  Jar of Pitch  •  Net Projectile  •  Pheromone Dart  •  Spear Bolt (Tranq)  •  Stone  •  Tranquilizer Dart (Shocking)  •  Zip-Line Anchor


Charge Battery  •  Element  •  Element Shard  •  Flamethrower Ammo  •  Gasoline


Chainsaw  •  Glow Stick  •  Hatchet (Stone, Metal)  •  Lasso  •  Metal Sickle  •  Mining Drill  •  Pick (Stone, Metal, Climbing)  •  Pliers  •  Taxidermy Tool  •  Torch  •  Whip


Auto Turret (Heavy)  •  Ballista Turret  •  Cannon  •  Catapult Turret  •  Minigun Turret  •  Plant Species X  •  Rocket Turret  •  Tek Turret


C4 Detonator (C4 Charge)  •  Cannon Shell  •  Cruise Missile  •  Grenade (Smoke, Poison, Cluster, Tek, Tek Gravity)  •  Water Mine  •  IED  •  Plant Species Z Fruit  •  Rocket Launcher (RPG, Homing Missile)  •  Rocket Pod  •  Tek Grenade Launcher


Bear Trap (Large)  •  Oil Jar  •  Plant Species Y Trap  •  Tripwire Alarm  •  Tripwire Narcotic


Scout Remote  •  Unassembled Enforcer  •  Unassembled Mek  •  Unassembled TEK Hover Skiff

Bolas PNG

Source: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Bola

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